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Monday, November 8, 2010

Our Planet is Now in Danger!!!

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Each month 3 trees will be planted and conserved for 20 years!
• FREE Plustrees Baby Suit (including free shipping)
• Certificate of ownership of your trees
• PlusTrees membership: access to great content and benefits
• Only £35.00/mo + one-time £7.00 conservation fee
“Each one of us is the reason of Global warming but in the same way each of one of us can be part of the solve problem (…) Plant Trees,
many trees”
~ Al Gore.

If we keep deforesting in this pace, there won`t be any rainforest left in 25 years. Can you imagine your kid growing
up without the `longs of the
Temperature on earth has increased approximately 1ºF over the past 100 years. However, scientific research shows that the earth’s temperature will raise 10ºF within the next century: this is the time we act and prevent this before it’s too late!

Climate change is happening due to the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas with the emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2). Even though we know the global warming is one of the most challenging issues, deforestation of
areas (logging and/or burning of trees in forests) is continuing.

Did you know that in order to make up for the loss of trees in the past decade, we would need to plant
130 million hectares, an area as large as Peru? And did you know that we are losing 50+ football
fields of rain forest every second?

Climate change and deforestation has been a hot topic in political debates in the most recent years.
However, progress is moving slowly: it will take time before our world leaders will respond to this issue.
The world needs TREES, LOTS of TREES and PlusTrees would like to contribute by reforesting waste lands in Central America in a straight forward and pragmatic way.

Our objective is to reforest wastelands with 1,000,000 trees every year or more. In order to achieve this objective PlusTrees is working closely together with local scientific and conservation organizations, land owners, officials and private agencies.

PlusTrees wants to make a change: by planting only native, local trees in their natural habitat and with trees, which are serving the land and local communities!

Our ambitious project includes seed collection, preparation of the soil, individually bagging each seedling and transplanting the seedlings into reforestation areas. Conservation is the next step in the project; we guarantee that the planted trees and areas will be protected and conserved for at least 20 years.

Join the PlusTrees reforestation community today!
“Definitely one of the most creative and important gifts for our baby, I can’t wait for him to see this tree grown and learn more about the importance of protecting our forests”

Mary Thomas & baby Pete
“We decided to plant baby trees when our friends told us about PlusTrees. It’s amazing to think the tree was planted on the same day as our baby was born.”

Chris Taylor

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